Friday, July 15, 2011

Cerebus the Aadvark

Here three of the shots I did (and still doing) for this awesome project. There's more on the way so stay tuned!

(Work In Progress)

(Work In Progress)

From Wiki:

Cerebus the Aardvark, or simply Cerebus, is an independent comic book, written and illustrated by Canadian artist Dave Sim, with backgrounds by fellow Canadian Gerhard. Cerebus ran for 300 issues from December 1977 to 2004, and was over 6000 pages long, the longest-running original English-language comic book series ever by a single creative team. As of 2011, it leads its closest challenger (Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo, still ongoing) by over 100 issues. Sim refers to it as the "longest sustained narrative in human history."

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